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Huntly Auto Services

24 Hour Electrician, Auto Electrician, Car Parts, Car Repairs, Car Servicing, Tyre Fitting

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01466 799639
30 Steven Rd, Huntly AB54 8SX, UK

Opening Hours:

Area Served:
Within 4 miles (6.4km) of 30 Steven Rd, Huntly AB54 8SX, UK
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Google Rating: 5.0 out of 5 stars (31 total ratings)

Cherry B
5 Star
Stopped in unannounced as had an issue with tyre pressure - guy was very helpful was seen straight away
Wednesday 22nd May 2024
Donald Stephenson
5 Star
Thanks for fitting the bulb to the focus tonight! First class service. Very tidy and professional workshop. Very friendly approach to customers. Made it home safely to Dingwall. Thanks again 😎 would highly recommend 👍
Friday 19th November 2021
Jamie Dawson
5 Star
Suffered a slow puncture while oncall as a first responder. Staff looked and repaired my tyre immediately on arrival and had me back on the road in 15 mins. Very impressed and gratefull for the outstanding service and repair. Would highly recommend!
Thursday 13th February 2020
John Vose
5 Star
Have used this company to date, on holiday in the area and require two headlight bulbs fitting. Will be using his services in the morning.
Sunday 23rd October 2022
Sarah Littlejohn
5 Star
Quick, professional, friendly service 😊
Saturday 5th August 2023